Sept 2016: Approximately 50 students from NURail partner universities pose with (front row, center) Mike Franke (Amtrak), Mary Hay (daughter of William W. Hay) and Chris Barkan (Executive Director of RailTEC) on August 29, 2016 in Orlando, FL at the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) conference. In addition to attending technical sessions and giving poster presentations, many students worked the National University Rail (NURail) Center booth in the exhibition hall. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s (NURail’s lead university) two teams scored first and second in the AREMA “Student Quiz Bowl” competition. The match consisted of four rounds of questions related to railroad engineering, operations, history and trivia. For photos from the event and a listing of presentations from current RailTEC students, RailTEC alumni and NURail related papers, click here.