Fight to Save North Shore Line

RailTEC graduate student, Tom Roadcap, recently published an article describing his grandfather’s involvement in trying to save the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad. Roy Roadcap commuted to work using the North Shore Line and in 1958, when it was announced that the line was going to be abandoned, Roy was elected president of the North Shore Commuters’ Association charged with saving the line. He lead the fight all the way to the US Supreme Court in 1963. Drawing from family stories and a meticulous scrapbook kept by his grandmother, Tom walks us through the events. The article, titled “My Grandfather Fought to Save the North Shore Line”, is available in the summer 2019 issue of First and Fastest, a quarterly publication on urban, suburban, interurban and regional intercity passenger service, published by the Shore Line Interurban Historical Society. Click here to read Tom’s article.