Three members from the RailTEC Systems Group participated in the 2020 Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) annual meeting, which was held on Saturday, 07 November – Friday, 13 November. RailTEC Lecturer and Principal Railway Research Engineer, C. Tyler Dick was a session chair for the Yards and Terminals session on Monday and also presented his research on “Influence of Mainline Schedule Flexibility and Volume Variability on Railway Classification Yard Performance”.
In the same Yards and Terminals session, Jiaxi Zhao, RailTEC Ph.D. student, presented her work on “Hump Yard Performance Simulation with Anylogic”.
On Tuesday attendees listened as Geordie Roscoe, RailTEC M.S. student, spoke on the subject of “Deadlock Avoidance Dispatching Algorithm for Generalized Track and Train Configurations” in the Railway Resource and Management and Optimization session.
This was the first entirely virtual annual meeting and was a combination of live and on-demand sessions with live Q&A. Each year the INFORMS Annual Meeting draws thousands of operations research and analytics professionals, students, industry leaders and more from across the globe for unique opportunities for face-to-face learning, networking, and collaboration.