Since its first class in 2015, RailTEC’s Railway Engineering Short Course has grown by leaps and bounds. The initial in-person one-week class of nine students has grown into a virtual format with over 125 participants. This year students participated from Canada, the Philippines, the UK, and twenty different U.S. states.
On 18-21 July 2022, lead instructor Conrad Ruppert, Jr. taught the Track Engineering Fundamentals course with 69 students. Tyler Dick was the lead instructor for the Railroad Project Design course taught on 25-28 July 2022 with 58 participants.
Attendees included rail professionals, engineers, planners, consultants and more from employees throughout the rail industry. They earned 14 professional development hours and had an excellent networking opportunity to meet others engaged in various facets of the rail industry.
Check back for announcements concerning our 2023 Short Course offerings.