The University of Illinois Rail Transportation and Engineering Center (RailTEC) and the National University Rail Center of Excellence (NURail CoE) sponsored six William W. Hay Railroad Engineering Seminars throughout the Fall 2024 semester. Over 750 students, faculty and industry professionals (both in person and online) attended and participants were worldwide.
The initial presentation of the seminar series was given on 30 August by Illinois RailTEC alumni Dr. Chen-Yu Lin. Lin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Transportation and Logistics Management at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan and he presented on “Adapting to Future Climate for Railway Systems”. Other speaker highlights included Michael Iden, Mike Cleary, Joe Szabo and Tyler Dick. Click here for a list of the presenters and their presentation titles.
The Fall series wrapped up on 06 December with Paul Vilter and Peter Swan and their discussion on “Long Freight Trains: Ensuring Safe Operations, Mitigating Adverse Impacts”. Their presentation, as well as a recording of each of the individual presentations for the semester, can be found on the William W. Hay Railroad Engineering Seminar page or on the RailTEC YouTube channel. A big thank you to all the speakers who shared their time and knowledge this semester.
Another exciting series of Hay Seminars is being planned for the Spring 2025 semester so check back soon for schedule updates.