Infrastructure Downloads


2020 Spring Broken Spike Industry Partner Update

Mechanistic Investigation of Timber Crosstie Spike Failures | Industry Partners Update Meeting (presentation)

2020 TRB

Deterioration of Concrete Crossties | The Role of Moisture and Track Support Conditions (presentation)


2019 Fall Industry Partners Meeting

Mechanistic Investigation of Timber Crosstie Spike Failures | Preliminary Findings from the Lab and Field (presentation)
Cyclic Life of Cracked Crossties Exposed to Water | An Investigation of Post-Tensioned Crossties and Leaching in Concrete (presentation)
WMATA Direct Fixation Fastener Study – Phase II | Lab Structural Testing and Fatigue Modelling (presentation)
Use of Laser Triangulation and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for Railway Track Safety Inspections (presentation)
FTA Concrete Crosstie Project Final Update | Prototype Installation at St. Louis Metrolink and CTA Instrumentation (presentation)

2019 JRC

Mechanistic Investigation of Timber Crosstie Spike Failures (presentation)
Analysis of Testing Under Tie Pads using a Geometric Ballast Plate (presentation)

2019 TRB

Mechanistic Investigation of Timber Crosstie Spike Failures (presentation)


2017 TRB

Nondestructive Estimation of Concrete Crosstie Support Condition Using Field Bending Moments (presentation)
Laboratory Study into the Effect of Support Condition on Ballast Mat Bedding Modulus and Insertion Loss (presentation)

2017 JRC

A Load Deflection Method for Characterization of North American Concrete Crossties (presentation)
Quantification of Rail Displacement under Light Rail Transit Field Loading Conditions (presentation)
Quantification of Impact Loads – Results from a Rail Transit System (presentation)
Quantification of Ballast Deterioration with and without Ballast Mats – a Laboratory Study (presentation)


2016 TRB

Laboratory Quantification of Flexural Demand on Concrete Crossties under Different Support Conditions (presentation)

2016 WCRR

Resilient Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Designs for Light Rail, Heavy Rail, and Commuter Rail Transit Infrastructure (presentation)
Load Quantification for Light Rail, Heavy Rail, and Commuter Rail Transit Infrastructure (poster)

2016 AREMA

Field Measurements and Proposed Analysis of Concrete Crosstie Bending Moments (presentation)

2016 Fall Industry Partner’s Meeting

RailTEC Infrastructure Research Program (presentation)
FRA Project Update: Load vs. Deflection as a New Performance Metric in Concrete Crossties (presentation)
Concrete Crosstie Finite Element Modeling Update and Results (presentation)
Amtrak Concrete Tie and Track Structure Improvement Study (presentation)
Bolted Rail Joint Modeling and Experimentation (presentation)
Mechanistic Design of Concrete Crosstie for Rail Transit Systems – Objectives and Update (presentation)
Rail Transit Loading Conditions (presentation)
Rail Transit Rail Rotation and Fastening System Behavior (presentation)
Rail Transit Concrete Crosstie Flexural Behavior (presentation)
Development and Implementation of Ballast Support Condition Back-Calculator (presentation)


2015 TRB

Examination of the Effect of Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Deterioration on Rail Seat Load Distribution (paper)
Quantifying Lateral Wheel Loading Variation Using Truck Performance Detectors (paper)
Flexural Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Monoblock Crossties: Comparison of Current Methodologies and Sensitivity to Support Conditions (paper)
Quantification of Lateral Forces in Concrete Crosstie Fastening Systems (presentation)

2015 JRC

Effect of Elastic Fastener Wear on Rail Seat Load Distributions (paper)
Effect of Elastic Fastener Wear on Rail Seat Load Distributions (presentation)
Exploration of Alternatives for Prestressed Concrete Monoblock Crosstie Design Based on Flexural Capacity (paper)
Exploration of Alternatives for Prestressed Concrete Monoblock Crosstie Design Based on Flexural Capacity (presentation)
Statistical Analysis of Lateral Wheel Loads Using Truck Performance Detectors (TPD) (presentation)
Compressive Fields in Prestressed Concrete Monoblock Crosstie Rail Seats (presentation)
Investigation of Feasible Methods to Mitigate Rail End Bolt-Hole Cracks Using Finite Element Analysis (presentation)

2015 Spring Committee 30 Meeting

Top 10 Findings and Outcomes: FRA Crosstie and Fastening System BAA 2010-1 Research Program (presentation)
The Effect of Particle Intrusion on Rail Seat Load Distributions (presentation)

2015 Fall Industry Partners’ and AREMA Committee 30 Meetings

State of the Program Address – RailTEC Infrastructure Research Program (presentation)
Investigation of Deteriorated Crossties and Support Conditions – Experimental Matrix Development (presentation)
Investigation of Deteriorated Crossties and Support Conditions – Experimental Results (presentation)
Temperature-Induced Curling of Concrete Crossties (presentation)
Modeling of Rail Seat Stress Distribution and Relevance to Design Assumptions (presentation)
Resilient Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Designs for Light Rail, Heavy Rail, and Commuter Rail Transit Infrastructure (presentation)
Load Quantification for Light Rail, Heavy Rail, and Commuter Rail Transit Infrastructure (presentation)
FTA Field Experimentation Plan – Overview, Objectives, and Instrumentation (presentation)


2014 TRB

Mechanistic Behavior of Concrete Crosstie Fastening System Rail Pad Assemblies (paper)
Mechanics of Fastening System Rail Pad Assemblies Through Lateral Load Path Analysis (presentation)
Evaluation of Dynamic and Impact Wheel Load Factors and their Application for Design (paper)
Evaluation of Dynamic and Impact Wheel Load Factors and their Application for Design (presentation)
Load Characterization Techniques and Overview of Loading Environment in North America (paper)
Load Characterization Techniques and Overview of Loading Environment in North America (presentation)

2014 JRC

Development of a Track Component Response Tool (I-TRACK) (presentation)
Analysis of Rail Pad Assemblies Responses (paper)
Analysis of Rail Pad Assemblies Responses (presentation)
Validating Finite Element Model with Field Data (presentation)
Analysis of the Relationship Between Rail Seat Load Distribution and Rail Seat Deterioration in Concrete Crossties (paper)
Effect of Lateral Load on Rail Seat Pressure Distributions (presentation)
Vertical Load Path Under Static and Dynamic Loads in Concrete Crosstie and Fastening Systems (paper)
Vertical Load Path Under Static and Dynamic Loads in Concrete Crosstie and Fastening Systems (presentation)
Gauging of Concrete Crossties to Investigate Load Path in Laboratory and Field Testing (paper)
Gauging of Concrete Crossties to Investigate Load Path in Laboratory and Field Testing (presentation)
Analysis of the Lateral Load Path in Concrete Crosstie Fastening Systems (paper)
Analysis of the Lateral Load Path in Concrete Crosstie Fastening Systems (presentation)

2014 Spring Industry Partner’s Meeting

UIUC FRA Concrete Tie and Fastener BAA October 2013 Program Update (presentation)
UIUC FRA Concrete Tie and Fastener BAA Selected Results (presentation)
Research and Innovation Laboratory (RAIL) Update (presentation)
Mechanistic Design Framework for Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System (presentation)
Parametric Studies With Field-Validated Finite Element (FE) Model (presentation)

2014 Fall Industry Partner’s Meeting

RailTEC Insfrastructure Research Program (presentation)
Summary on FE Analysis and Parametric Study (presentation)
Analysis of Effects of Friction on Lateral Fastening System Forces (presentation)
Field and Laboratory Rail Seat Pressure Distribution Results (presentation)
Comparison of Current Flexural Analysis Methodologies and Sensitivity to Support Conditions (presentation)
Mechanistic Design Framework for Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System (presentation)
FRA Crosstie and Fastening System BAA Research Program (presentation)

2014 Fall C30 Meeting

Characterization of Vertical and Lateral Wheel Loads (presentation)
Current and Proposed Flexural Analysis Methodologies for Concrete Crossties (presentation)
Effect of Rail Seat Deterioration on Rail Seat Load Distributions (presentation)

2014 AREMA Conference

Experimental Field Investigation of the Transfer of Lateral Wheel Loads on Concrete Crosstie Track (presentation)


2013 TRB

Measuring Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with 2 Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (paper)
Measuring Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with 2 Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (poster)
Finite Element Modeling Crosstie and Fastening System at UIUC (presentation)

2013 IHHA

Field Testing of Concrete Sleepers and Fastener Systems for the Understanding of Mechanistic Behavior (paper)
Field Testing of Concrete Sleepers and Fastener Systems for the Understanding of Mechanistic Behavior (presentation)
Measuring Concrete Sleeper Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (paper)
Measuring Concrete Sleeper Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (poster)
Considerations for Mechanistic Design of Concrete Sleepers and Elastic Fastening Systems in North America (paper)
Considerations for Mechanistic Design of Concrete Sleepers and Elastic Fastening Systems in North America (presentation)
Finite Element Modeling of the Fastening Systems and the Concrete Sleepers in North America (paper)
Finite Element Modeling of the Fastening Systems and the Concrete Sleepers in North America (presentation)
Investigation of the Mechanics of Rail Seat Deterioration (RSD) and Methods to Improve the Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Sleeper Rail Seats (paper)
Investigation of the Mechanics of Rail Seat Deterioration (RSD) and Methods to Improve the Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Sleeper Rail Seats (presentation)

2013 JRC

Causes of Load Amplification: Using WILD Data to Quantify Wheel Loads Behavior (paper)
Causes of Load Amplification: Using WILD Data to Quantify Wheel Loads Behavior (presentation)
Finite Element Modeling Crosstie and Fastening System at UIUC (presentation)
Field Testing of the Crosstie-Fastener System for the Understanding of Mechanistic Behavior (presentation)
Field Instrumentation of Concrete Crosstie Rail Seats for Investigating Rail Seat Pressure Distribution (presentation)
Mechanics of Insulator Behavior in Concrete Crosstie Fastening Systems (presentation)
Mechanistic Behavior of Rail Pad Assemblies (presentation)

2013 WRI Conference

Experimentation and Modeling of Concrete Crossties and Fastening Systems (presentation)

2013 AREMA Conference

Crosstie and Elastic Fastener Field Experimentation for Mechanistic Design (presentation)

2013 Fall Industry Partner’s Meeting

UIUC FRA Concrete Tie and Fastener BAA October 2013 Program Update (presentation)
Mechanistic Design Approach for Concrete Crossties and Fastening System (presentation)
Vertical Load Path Analysis (presentation)
Lateral Load Path Analysis (presentation)
Effect of Lateral Load on Rail Seat Pressure Distributions (presentation)
Validating Finite Element Model with Field Data (presentation)
Development of an Analytical Tool for Track Component Response (I-TRACK) (presentation)
UIUC Full-Scale Laboratory Track Bed (presentation)
Clamping Force & Concrete Crosstie Bending Behavior Analysis (presentation)
Loading Demands on North American Track (presentation)

2013 WCRR Conference

Finite Element Models of Concrete Sleepers and Fastening Systems in North America (presentation)
Analysis of the Shear Behavior of Rail Pad Assemblies as a Component of the Concrete Sleeper Fastening System (poster)
Quantification of Concrete Sleeper and Elastic Fastening System Demands Utilizing Concrete Sleeper Rail Seat Contact Area (poster)
Evaluation of Existing Loading Environment in North Americal for Improved Concrete Sleepers and Fastening System (poster)


2012 JRC

Measuring Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (paper)
Results of International Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Survey (presentation)
Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Modeling at UIUC (presentation)
Field Testing for Understanding In Situ Concrete Crosstie and Fastener Behavior (presentation)
Overview of UIUC’s Concrete Cross-tie and Fastening System Laboratory Study (presentation)
Measuring Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (presentation)

2012 International Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Symposium

International Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Symposium Presentations (link to all presentations)*

2012 AREMA

Measuring Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (paper)
Measuring Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors (presentation)

2012 PCI Convention

Numerical Simulation of Prestressed Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System (paper)

2012 Fall Industry Partner’s Meeting

Concrete Crossties and Fastening Systems – Characterizing the Loading Environment (presentation)
Field Instrumentation of Concrete Crossties and Fastening Systems (presentation)
Rail Seat Load Results from July 2012 Field Testing at TTC (presentation)
Laboratory Instrumentation of Concrete Crossties and Fastening Systems (presentation)
Update on UIUC Crosstie and Fastening System Finite Element Modeling (presentation)
Concrete Material Improvements to Mitigate the Adverse Effects of Abrasion Mechanism in Rail Seat Deterioration (RSD) (presentation)

UIUC Technical Notes

Technical Note 1: Preliminary Rail Instrumentation
Technical Note 2: Preliminary Rail and Fastener Instrumentation
Technical Note 3: Load Path Map and Free Body Diagrams of Components Assuming all Bodies are Completely Rigid
Technical Note 4: Load Path Map and Free Body Diagrams of Components Assuming all Bodies are Deformable
Technical Note 5: Interfacial Forces and Deflections of Individual Components due to the Fastening System’s Clamping Force
Technical Note 6: Interfacial Forces and Deflections of Individual Components due to a Vertical External Load
Technical Note 7: Interfacial Forces and Deflections of Individual Components due to a Lateral External Load

FRA Research Results

International Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Survey


Concrete Crossties and Fastening Systems: Previous Experiences, Current Research, and Future Advances (William W. Hay Railroad Engineering Seminar)
Understanding the Service Environment of Concrete Crossties and Fastening Systems (Technology Digest)

2016 IP Meeting Recordings

01 RailTEC Infrastructure Research Program Update
02 FRA Project – Laboratory Experimental Results
03 FRA Project – Finite Element (FE) Modeling Results
04 New Amtrak Crosstie Improvement Project
05 Bolted Rail Joint Modeling and Experimentation
06 FTA Project Overview, Update, and Objectives
07 Rail Transit (Wheel-Rail Interface) Loading Conditions
08 Rail Transit Rail Rotation and Fastening System Behavior
09 Rail Transit Concrete Crosstie Flexural Behavior