Bryan Schlake
2007 BS (Mechanical Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2010 MS (Civil Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2007 AREMA John J. Cunningham Memorial Scholarship
2007 AARS Frank J. Richter Scholarship
2008 Norman Carlson Scholarship
2008 AREMA Larry L. Etherton Foundation Scholarship
Previous RailTEC Associations
- Master's Student
RailTEC Publications
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- Dick, C.T., P. Lautala and B.W. Schlake. 2019. STEM K-12 outreach as the root of transportation education: experiences from the railway engineering field. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2673 (12): 558-569. doi:10.1177/0361198119841564.
- Dick, C.T., P. Lautala and B.W. Schlake. 2018. STEM Outreach to K-12 Students: The Root of Railway Engineering Education. In: Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, September 2018.
- Schlake, B.W., C.P.L. Barkan and J.R. Edwards. 2011. Reducing Heavy-Haul Railcar Maintenance Costs and Improving Terminal Performance Using Technology: A Lean Production Approach. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Heavy Haul Association Conference. Calgary, Canada.
- Schlake, B.W., C.P.L. Barkan and J.R. Edwards. 2011. Reducing Network Costs Through Improved Vehicle Maintenance: A Lean Production Approach. In: Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Railway Research Conference. Lille, France.
- Schlake, B.W., C.P.L. Barkan and J.R. Edwards. 2011. Train delay and economic impact of in-service failures of railroad rolling stock. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2261: 124-133. doi:10.3141/2261-14.
- Schlake, B.W., C.P.L. Barkan and J.R. Edwards. 2010. Impact of Automated Condition Monitoring Technologies on Railroad Terminal Performance. In: Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Schlake, B.W., S. Todorovic, J.R. Edwards, J.M. Hart, N. Ahuja and C.P.L. Barkan. 2010. Machine vision condition monitoring of heavy-axle load railcar structural underframe components. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 189 (1-2): 499-511. doi:10.1243/09544097JRRT376.
- Hart, J.M., B.W. Schlake, S. Todorovic, J.R. Edwards, N. Ahuja and C.P.L. Barkan. 2009. Machine Vision Condition Monitoring of Railcar Structural Underframe Components. In: Proceedings of the Fall Conference of the ASME Rail Transportation Division. Ft. Worth, TX.
- Schlake, B.W., J.R. Edwards, J.M. Hart, C.P.L. Barkan, S. Todorovic and N. Ahuja. 2009. Machine Vision Condition Monitoring of Heavy-Haul Railcar Structural Underframe Components. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Heavy Haul Conference. Shanghai, China.