Chris Rapp

2011 BS (Civil Engineering) University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2013 MS (Civil Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Previous RailTEC Associations
- Master's Student
RailTEC Publications
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Journal Articles
- Rapp, C.T., R.G. Kernes and M.R. Saat. 2014. Overview of issues and research related to special trackwork for shared high-speed-rail passenger and heavy-axle-load freight operations. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 228 (5): 557-565. doi:10.1177/0954409713486260.
- Rapp, C.T., M.S. Dersch, J.R. Edwards, C.P.L. Barkan, B. Wilson and J. Mediavilla. 2013. Measuring rail seat pressure distribution in concrete crossties: experiments with matrix-based tactile surface sensors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2374 (1): 190-200. doi:10.3141/2374-22.
Conference Proceedings
- Greve, M.J., C.T. Rapp, M.S. Dersch, J.R. Edwards, C.P.L. Barkan, J. Mediavilla and B. Wilson. 2013. Quantification of Concrete Sleeper and Elastic Fastening System Demands Utilizing Concrete Sleeper Rail Seat Contact Area. In: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Railway Research. Sydney, Australia.
- Rapp, C.T., M.S. Dersch, J.R. Edwards, C.P.L. Barkan, J.R. Mediavilla and B. Wilson. 2013. Measuring Concrete Sleeper Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Heavy Haul Association Conference. New Delhi, India.
- Van Dyk, B.J., C.T. Rapp, M.S. Dersch, J.R. Edwards, C.J. Ruppert, Jr. and C.P.L. Barkan. 2013. Evaluation of Existing Loading Environment in North America for Improved Concrete Sleepers and Fastening Systems. In: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Railway Research. Sydney, Australia.
- Rapp, C.T., J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, C.P.L. Barkan, B. Wilson and J. Mediavilla. 2012. Measuring Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Pressure Distribution with Matrix Based Tactile Surface Sensors. In: Proceedings of the ASME Joint Rail Conference. Philadelphia, PA. doi:10.1115/JRC2012-74092.