Giovanni DiDomenico

2013 B.S. (Civil Engineering) Colorado State University
2015 MS (Civil Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2015 AREMA Committee 12 – Rail Transit Scholarship
Previous RailTEC Associations
- Master's Student
RailTEC Publications
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Journal Articles
- DiDomenico, G.D. and C.T. Dick. 2015. Methods of analyzing and comparing energy efficiency of passenger rail systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2475: 54-62. doi:10.3141/2475-07.
- Fullerton, G.F., G.D. DiDomenico and C.T. Dick. 2015. Sensitivity of freight and passenger rail fuel efficiency to infrastructure, equipment, and operating factors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2476: 59-66. doi:10.3141/2476-09.
Conference Proceedings
- DiDomenico, G.D. and C.T. Dick. 2015. Influence of System Characteristics and Scheduling Patterns on Commuter Rail Energy Efficiency. In: Proceedings of the International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR) 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis. Tokyo, Japan.
- DiDomenico, G.D. and C.T. Dick. 2014. Analysis of Trends in Commuter Rail Energy Efficiency. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Rail Conference. Colorado Springs, CO. doi:10.1115/JRC2014-3787.
- Fullerton, G.F., G.D. DiDomenico, M-C. Shih and C.T. Dick. 2014. Congestion as a Source of Variation in Passenger and Freight Railway Fuel Efficiency. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Rail Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.