June was a busy month for conferences and meetings for RailTEC faculty, staff and students. Representatives attended the International Heavy Haul Association (IHHA) meeting in Narvik, Norway from 10-14 June and the International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR) conference in Norrkoping, Sweden from 17-20 June. RailTEC faculty also took advantage of the opportunity to meet with previous and potential industry partners and sponsors as well as discuss educational collaborations with representatives from Tampere University in Finland, KTH University in Stockholm, and University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
While at IHHA RailTEC representatives presented their research to the international freight railway community in the Modeling & Simulation, Sleeper & Fastener, Safety & Monitoring, and poster sessions. IHHA is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in heavy haul railway operations, engineering, maintenance, and technology. Over 430 delegates from 30 different countries attended the conference which offered over 150 presentations and papers.
At IAROR, the 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, RailTEC faculty, students and alumni gave nine presentations and chaired two sessions in the Freight Traffic Planning, Traffic Management, Moving Block, Delay Analysis & Prediction, Capacity Analysis, and Rolling Stock Scheduling & Maintenance sessions. This conference was designed to promote interdisciplinary discussions in the railway planning and operations research area by combining the expertise of academics and professionals. The conference had more than 250 participants from 20 countries.
See below for a few photos from each conference.