Site Access

RAIL is located in the Harry Schnabel, Jr. building on the CERL campus; therefore, access to the facility is closely monitored and controlled. If you plan to visit the laboratory you will need to follow the instructions below at least three (3) weeks in advance of your visit:

U.S. Citizens will need to provide:

  • U.S. Citizens will need to provide a valid form of ID that displays both a signature and photo.

Non U.S. Citizens will need to provide:

  • Full name
  • A scan of your passport and
  • A scan of your visa (if applicable)

To access the site on the date(s) of your visit, you will need:

  • A government issued ID (drivers license, passport, etc.) and steel toed boots
  • Hard hats and safety glasses will be provided

Please send all materials to mdersch2 at with an email subject line of “RAIL Access Request”.

Access to the research facility is primarily through the gate off Farber Drive. See map for more details.