The BBC show, “Great American Railroad Journeys”, that RailTEC took part in taping during the fall of 2016, aired on Wednesday, 15 February 2017 on BBC2. Series host Michael Portillo used an 1879 copy of Appleton’s Guidebook to the railroads of the United States and Canada, and travelled across the U.S. by train, making stops at important historical sites and learning about influential historical events and famous Americans. Portillo and his production crew visited local railroad sites including RailTEC’s Research & Innovation Laboratory (RAIL). While at RAIL, Portillo was filmed learning how to apply a rail strain gauge to capture the loads from trains that are being imparted into the track, first by cleaning the rail and then by tack welding the gauge onto the rail. Click here to see the RailTEC portion of the show. Click here to see photos from their visit.