Ryan Kernes
2010 BS (Civil Engineering) Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
2012 MS (Civil Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Previous RailTEC Associations
- Master's Student
RailTEC Publications
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Journal Articles
- Shurpali, A.A., J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2017. Improving the abrasion resistance of concrete to mitigate concrete crosstie rail seat deterioration (RSD). American Society of Testing Materials International Materials Performance and Characterization. 6 (1): 521-534. doi:10.1520/MPC20170051.
- Kernes, R.G., A.A. Shurpali, J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2014. Investigation of the mechanics of rail seat deterioration and methods to improve the abrasion resistance of concrete sleeper rail seats. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 228 (6): 581-589. doi:10.1177/0954409714530911.
- Rapp, C.T., R.G. Kernes and M.R. Saat. 2014. Overview of issues and research related to special trackwork for shared high-speed-rail passenger and heavy-axle-load freight operations. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 228 (5): 557-565. doi:10.1177/0954409713486260.
- Shurpali, A.A., J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2014. Investigation of material improvements to mitigate the effects of abrasion mechanisms of concrete crosstie rail seat deterioration. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. 140 (2): 04013009. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000616.
Conference Proceedings
- Csenge, M.V., H. Wolf, M.S. Dersch, J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes and M.J. Gutierrez Romero. 2015. Exploration of Alternatives for Prestressed Concrete Monoblock Crosstie Design Based on Flexural Capacity. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Joint Rail Conference. San Jose, CA. doi:10.1115/JRC2015-5683.
- do Carmo, T.B., J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes, B.O. Andrawes and C.P.L. Barkan. 2014. Laboratory and Field Investigation of the Rail Pad Assembly Mechanistic Behavior. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Rail Conference. Colorado Springs, CO. doi:10.1115/JRC2014-3784.
- do Carmo, T.B., J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes, C.P.L. Barkan and B.O. Andrawes. 2014. Mechanistic Behavior of Concrete Crosstie Fastening System Rail Pad Assemblies. In: Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
- Manda, K.R., M.S. Dersch, R.G. Kernes, J.R. Edwards and D.A. Lange. 2014. Vertical Load Path under Static and Dynamic Loads in Concrete Crosstie and Fastening Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Rail Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Wei, S., D.A. Kuchma, J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch and R.G. Kernes. 2014. Gauging of Concrete Crossties to Investigate Load Path in Laboratory and Field Testing. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Rail Conference. Colorado Springs, CO. doi:10.1115/JRC2014-3840.
- Williams, B.W., J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, C.P.L. Barkan and R.G. Kernes. 2014. Experimental Field Investigation of the Effects of Lateral Load Distribution on Concrete Crosstie Track. In: Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Williams, B.W., J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes and C.P.L. Barkan. 2014. Analysis of the Lateral Load Path in Concrete Crosstie Fastening Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Rail Conference. Colorado Springs, CO. doi:10.1115/JRC2014-3754.
- Williams, B.W., R.G. Kernes, J.R. Edwards and C.P.L. Barkan. 2014. Lateral Force Measurement in Concrete Crosstie Fastening Systems. In: Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
- do Carmo, T.B., J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes, B.O. Andrawes and C.P.L. Barkan. 2013. Analysis of the Shear Behavior of Rail Pad Assemblies as a Component of the Concrete Sleeper Fastening System. In: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Railway Research. Sydney, Australia.
- Shin, M., Z. Chen, B.O. Andrawes, R.G. Kernes, M.S. Dersch and J.R. Edwards. 2013. Finite Element Models of Prestressed Concrete Sleepers and Fastening Systems in North America. In: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Railway Research. Sydney, Australia.
- Shurpali, A.A., J.R. Edwards, R.G. Kernes, X. Liu, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2013. Investigation of Material Improvements to Mitigate the Effects of Abrasion Mechanism of Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Deterioration (RSD). In: Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
- Shurpali, A.A., R.G. Kernes, J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2013. Investigation of the Mechanics of Rail Seat Deterioration (RSD) and Methods to Improve the Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Sleeper Rail Seats. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Heavy Haul Association Conference (This article is not available electronically.). New Delhi, India.
- Kernes, R.G., J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2012. Investigation of the Dynamic Frictional Properties of a Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat and Pad and Its Effect on Rail Seat Deterioration (RSD). In: Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
- Kernes, R.G., J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2011. Investigation of Concrete Sleeper Rail Seat Pressure Distributions for Varying Fastening Systems and Loading Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Heavy Haul Association Conference. Calgary, Canada.
- Kernes, R.G., J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2011. Investigation of the Impact of Abrasion as a Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat Deterioration (RSD) Mechanism. In: Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
- Zeman, J.C., R.G. Kernes, J.R. Edwards, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2011. Hydraulic Mechanisms of the Deterioration of Concrete Sleeper Rail Seats. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Heavy Haul Association Conference. Calgary, Canada.
- Zeman, J.C., R.G. Kernes, J.R. Edwards, D.A. Lange and C.P.L. Barkan. 2011. Moisture-Driven Deterioration and Abrasion of Concrete Sleeper Rail Seats. In: Proceedings of 9th World Congress on Railway Research. Lille, France.
Magazine Articles
- Edwards, J.R., R.G. Kernes, M.S. Dersch and C.J. Ruppert, Jr. 2012. University of Illinois Concrete Crosstie Group Fastens up Research Challenges. Railway Track & Structures. October 2012, p. 32.
Monographs and Reports
- Edwards, J.R., M.S. Dersch and R.G. Kernes. 2017. Improved Concrete Crosstie and Fastening Systems for US High Speed Passenger Rail and Joint Corridors: Volume 1 – Project Summary Report. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC.
- Edwards, J.R., M.S. Dersch and R.G. Kernes. 2017. Improved Concrete Crosstie and Fastening Systems for US High Speed Passenger Rail and Joint Corridors: Volume 2. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC.