Concrete tie rail seat abrasion/deterioration (RSA) has been an issue since the inception of concrete ties. As a result of recent derailments involving abraded concrete ties on curved track, the Federal Railroad Administration set up a task force to study abrasion/deterioration mechanisms and develop automated detection methods using existing research vehicles. A portion of this study reviews historical development of concrete abrasion due to moisture or foreign materials incorporated under the rail seat that tend to abrade concrete ties evenly across the rail seat area. This report discusses a newly identified concrete tie deterioration mechanism characterized by material loss in a triangle toward the field side of the rail seat, resulting from wheel rail interaction involving track geometry variations. The NUCARS™ model was used to evaluate the vertical and lateral loading at one of the recent derailment sites using the track geometry measured approximately one month before the derailment. Wheel loads predicted from the model, based on P-42 Amtrak Locomotive, were used to evaluate the pressure distribution at the rail concrete tie interface and were compared with allowable design bearing pressure for concrete used in the manufacture of concrete ties. The results indicate that applied stress on the field side of a concrete tie due to outward rail roll can exceed the design values. Applied pressure distribution exceeding the design strength on the field side tends to abrade concrete ties in a triangular wear pattern that produces wide gage. Charts were developed to convert measured field side abrasion/deterioration to additional gage widening under an applied vertical load for identifying critical locations with wide gage defects. Further, techniques for field inspectors to detect, measure, and evaluate rail seat abrasion/deterioration (RSA) based on commonly used inspection technology are discussed.