Yu Qian

2008 BS (Construction Management) Wuhan University, China
2008 BS (Structure Engineering) Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
2009 MS (Geotechnical Engineering) University of Kansas
2013 MS (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2014 PhD (Civil Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2013 AREMA Larry L. Etherton Scholarship
Previous RailTEC Associations
- Research Staff
RailTEC Publications
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- Lima, A. de O., J.R. Edwards, L.W. Chavez Quiroz, Y. Qian and M.S. Dersch. 2021. Load and response quantification of direct fixation fastening systems for heavy rail transit infrastructure. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 235 (9): 1110-1121. doi:10.1177/0954409720987036.
- Canga Ruiz, A.E., Y. Qian, J.R. Edwards and M.S. Dersch. 2019. Analysis of the temperature effect on concrete crosstie flexural behavior. Construction and Building Materials. 196: 362-374. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.11.065.
- Canga Ruiz, A.E., Y. Qian, J.R. Edwards and M.S. Dersch. 2019. Probabilistic framework for the assessment of the flexural design of concrete sleepers. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. doi:10.1177/0954409719854569.
- Dersch, M.S., T.A. Roadcap, J.R. Edwards, Y. Qian, J-Y. Kim and M. Trizotto Silva. 2019. Investigation into the effect of lateral and longitudinal loads on railroad spike stress magnitude and location using finite element analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis. 104 (2019): 388-398. doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.06.009.
- Qian, Y., M.S. Dersch, Z. Gao and J.R. Edwards. 2019. Railroad infrastructure 4.0: Development and application of an automatic ballast support condition assessment system. Transportation Geotechnics. 19: 19-34. doi:10.1016/j.trgeo.2019.01.002.
- Edwards, J.R., A.A. Cook, M.S. Dersch and Y. Qian. 2018. Quantification of rail transit wheel loads and development of improved dynamic and impact loading factors for design. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Part F. 232 (10): 2406-2417. doi:10.1177/0954409718770924.
- Edwards, J.R., A.E. Canga Ruiz, A.A. Cook, M.S. Dersch and Y. Qian. 2018. Quantifying bending moments in rail-transit concrete sleepers. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 144 (3): 04018003. doi:10.1061/JTEPBS.0000125.
- Lima, A. de O., M.S. Dersch, E. Tutumluer, J.R. Edwards and Y. Qian. 2018. Support Condition and Traffic Loading Patterns Influencing Laboratory Determination of Under Ballast Mat Bedding Modulus and Insertion Loss. In: Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Conference. Washington, DC. doi:10.1177/0361198118793501.
- Lima, A. de O., M.S. Dersch, E. Tutumluer, J.R. Edwards and Y. Qian. 2018. Support condition and traffic loading patterns influencing laboratory determination of under-ballast mat bedding modulus and insertion loss. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2672 (10): 74-84. doi:10.1177/0361198118793501.
- Lima, A. de O., M.S. Dersch, Y. Qian, E. Tutumluer and J.R. Edwards. 2018. Laboratory fatigue performance of under-ballast mats under varying loads and support conditions. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Part F. doi:10.1177/0954409718795920.
- Quiros Orozco, R.J., J.R. Edwards, Y. Qian and M.S. Dersch. 2018. Quantification of Loading Environment and Flexural Demand of Prestressed Concrete Crossties under Shared Corridor Operating Conditions. In: Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Conference. Washington, DC. doi:10.1177/0361198118793500.
- Quiros Orozco, R.J., J.R. Edwards, Y. Qian and M.S. Dersch. 2018. Quantification of loading environment and flexural demand of prestressed concrete crossties under shared corridor operating conditions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2672 (10): 136-145. doi:10.1177/0361198118793500.
- Yin, H., Y. Qian, J.R. Edwards and K. Zhu. 2018. Investigation of Relationship between Train Speed and Bolted Rail Joint Fatigue Life Using Finite Element Analysis. In: Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Conference. Washington, DC. doi:10.1177/0361198118784382.
- Canga Ruiz, A.E., M.V. Csenge, J.R. Edwards, Y. Qian and M.S. Dersch. 2017. Quantification of Rail Displacements Under Light Rail Transit Field Loading Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 2017 Joint Rail Conference. Philadelphia, PA. doi:10.1115/JRC2017-2277.
- Cook, A.A., J.R. Edwards, M.V. Csenge and Y. Qian. 2017. Quantification of the Concrete Crosstie Load Environment for Light Rail Transit Infrastructure. In: Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Conference. Washington, DC, January 2017.
- Edwards, J.R., Z. Gao, H. Wolf, M.S. Dersch and Y. Qian. 2017. Quantification of concrete railway sleeper bending moments using surface strain gauges. Measurement - Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 111: 197-207.
- Gao, Z., M.S. Dersch, Y. Qian and J.R. Edwards. 2017. Effect of Track Conditions on the Flexural Performance of Concrete Sleepers on Heavy-haul Freight Railroads. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Heavy Haul Association Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
- Gao, Z., M.S. Dersch, Y. Qian, M.V. Csenge and J.R. Edwards. 2017. Use of Ballast Support Condition Back-Calculator for Quantification of Ballast Pressure Distribution Under Concrete Sleepers. In: 10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields. Athens, Greece.
- Gao, Z., Y. Qian, M.S. Dersch and J.R. Edwards. 2017. Compressive stress distribution in prestressed concrete and its effect on railroad crosstie design. Construction and Building Materials. 151: 147-157. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.05.186.
- Holder, B.G.J., Y. Qian, M.S. Dersch and J.R. Edwards. 2017. Lateral Load Performance of Concrete Sleeper Fastening Systems Under Non-ideal Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Heavy Haul Association Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
- Holder, D.E., M.V. Csenge, Y. Qian, M.S. Dersch, J.R. Edwards and B.J. Van Dyk. 2017. Laboratory investigation of the Skl-style fastening system's lateral load performance under heavy haul freight railroad loads. Engineering Structures. 139 (2017): 71-80. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.02.039.
- Lima, A. de O., M.S. Dersch, Y. Qian, E. Tutumluer and J.R. Edwards. 2017. Laboratory Evaluation of Under-ballast Mat Effectiveness to Mitigate Differential Movement Problem in Railway Transition Zones. In: 10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields. Athens, Greece. doi:10.1201/9781315100333-279.
- Lima, A. de O., M.S. Dersch, Y. Qian, E. Tutumluer and J.R. Edwards. 2017. Laboratory Mechanical Fatigue Performance of Under-ballast Mats Subjected to North American loading Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Heavy Haul Association Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
- Zhu, K., Y. Qian, J.R. Edwards and B.O. Andrawes. 2017. Finite element analysis of rail end bolt-hole and fillet stress on bolted rail joints. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2607: 33-42.
- Csenge, M.V., Y. Qian, M.S. Dersch and J.R. Edwards. 2016. Resilient Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System Designs for Light Rail, Heavy Rail, and Commuter Rail Transit Infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Railway Research. Milan, Italy.
- Gao, Z., H. Wolf, M.S. Dersch, Y. Qian and J.R. Edwards. 2016. Field Measurements and Proposed Analysis of Concrete Crosstie Bending Moments. In: Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Holder, D.E., Y. Qian, M.V. Csenge, J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch and B.J. Van Dyk. 2016. Comparison of Lateral Load Performance of Concrete Crosstie Heavy Haul Fastening Systems. In: Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Qian, Y., D. Mishra, E. Tutumluer, Y.M.A. Hashash and J. Ghaboussi. 2016. Moisture Effects on Degraded Ballast Shear Strength Behavior. In: Proceedings of the 2016 Joint Rail Conference. Columbia, SC. doi:10.1115/JRC2016-5840.
- Wolf, H., J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch, Y. Qian and D.A. Lange. 2016. Field Measurement of Bending Moments in Prestressed Concrete Monoblock Sleepers. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Railway Research. Milan, Italy.
- Wolf, H., Y. Qian, J.R. Edwards, M.S. Dersch and D.A. Lange. 2016. Temperature-induced curl behavior of prestressed concrete and its effect on railroad crossties. Construction and Building Materials. 115 (2016): 319-326. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.04.039.
- Zhu, K., J.R. Edwards, Y. Qian and B.O. Andrawes. 2016. Fatigue Analysis of Rail-Head-to-Web Fillet at Bolted Rail Joint under Various Impact Wheel Load Factors and Support Configurations. In: Proceedings of the 2016 Joint Rail Conference. Columbia, SC. doi:10.1115/JRC2016-5802.
- Zhu, K., J.R. Edwards, Y. Qian and B.O. Andrawes. 2016. Finite element analysis of the effects of bolt condition on bolted rail joint stresses. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2545: 36-45. doi:10.3141/2545-05.
- Qian, Y., D. Mishra, H. Kazmee and A.A. Cook. 2015. Geogrid-Aggregate Interlocking Mechanism Investigated via Discrete Element Modeling. In: Geosynthetics 2015. Portland, OR.
- Qian, Y., E. Tutumluer, D. Mishra and H. Kazmee. 2015. Characterization of geogrid reinforced ballast behavior at different levels of degradation through triaxial shear strength test and discrete element modeling. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 43 (5): 393-402. doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2015.04.012.
- Qian, Y., E. Tutumluer, Y.M.A. Hashash and J. Ghaboussi. 2015. Ballast settlement ramp to mitigate differential settlement in a bridge transition zone. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2476: 45-52. doi:10.3141/2476-07.
- Boler, H., Y. Qian and E. Tutumluer. 2014. Influence of size and shape properties of railroad ballast on aggregate packing: Statistical analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2448: 94-104.
- Mishra, D., Y. Qian, H. Hai and E. Tutumluer. 2014. An integrated approach to dynamic analysis of railroad track transitions behavior. Transportation Geotechnics. 1 (2014): 188-200. doi:10.1016/j.trgeo.2014.07.001.
- Mishra, D., Y. Qian, H. Kazmee and E. Tutumluer. 2014. Investigation of geogrid-reinforced railroad ballast behavior using large-scale triaxial testing and discrete element modeling. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2462: 98-108. doi:10.3141/2462-12.
- Moaveni, M., Y. Qian, H. Boler and E. Tutumluer. 2014. Investigation of Ballast Degradation and Fouling Trends Using Image Analysis. In: Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance. Ajaccio, Corsica, France.
- Qian, Y., E. Tutumluer, D. Mishra and H. Kazmee. 2014. Behavior of Geogrid Reinforced Ballast at Different Levels of Degradation. In: GeoShanghai International Conference. Shanghai, China.
- Qian, Y., E. Tutumluer, Y.M.A. Hashash and J. Ghaboussi. 2014. Effects of Ballast Degradation on Permanent Deformation Behavior from Large-scale Triaxial Tests. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Rail Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Qian, Y., H. Boler, M. Moaveni, E. Tutumluer, Y.M.A. Hashash and J. Ghaboussi. 2014. Characterizing ballast degradation through Los Angeles abrasion test and image analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2448: 142-151. doi:10.3141/2448-17.
- Qian, Y., S.J. Lee, E. Tutumluer, Y.M.A. Hashash, D. Mishra and J. Ghaboussi. 2014. Simulating ballast shear strength from large scale triaxial tests: Discrete element method. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2374: 126-135.
- Xiao, Y., E. Tutumluer and Y. Qian. 2014. DEM Approach for Engineering Aggregate Gradation and Shape Properties Influencing Mechanical Behavior of Unbound Aggregate Materials. In: ASCE Geo-Institute, Geo-Congress 2014 Technical Papers. Atlanta, GA, pp. 2898 - 2910.
- Mishra, D., Y. Qian, E. Tutumluer and H. Huang. 2013. An Integrated Approach to Dynamic Analysis of Railroad Track Transitions Behavior. In: 6th International Symposium on Environmental Vibration. Shanghai, China. doi:10.1016/j.trgeo.2014.07.001.
- Qian, Y., D. Mishra, E. Tutumluer and J. Kwon. 2013. Comparative Evaluation of Different Aperture Geogrids for Ballast Reinforcement through Triaxial Testing and Discrete Element Modeling. In: Geosynthetics 2013. Long Beach, CA.
- Qian, Y., D. Mishra, E. Tutumluer and J. Kwon. 2013. Discrete Element Modeling of Ballast Reinforced with Triangular Aperture Geogrid. In: 9th International Conference on Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields. Trondeim, Norway.
- Qian, Y., E. Tutumluer, D. Mishra and H. Kazmee. 2013. Effect of Geogrid Reinforcement on Railroad Ballast Performance Evaluated through Triaxial Testing and Discrete Element Modeling. In: 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Paris, France.
- Qian, Y., J. Han, S.K. Pokharel and R.L. Parsons. 2013. Performance of triangular aperture geogrid-reinforced base courses over weak subgrade under cyclic loading. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 25 (8): 1013-1021. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000577.
- Tutumluer, E., Y. Qian, Y.M.A. Hashash, J. Ghaboussi and D. Davis. 2013. Discrete element modeling of ballasted track deformation behavior. International Journal of Rail Transportation. 1 (1-2): 57-73. doi:10.1080/23248378.2013.788361.
- Xiao, Y., E. Tutumluer, Y. Qian and J.A. Siekmeier. 2012. Gradation effects influencing mechanical properties of aggregate base/granular subbase materials in Minnesota. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2267: 14 - 16.
- Qian, Y., E. Tutumluer and H. Huang. 2011. Ballast Vibrations and Deformations due to Different Train Loading Scenarios Studied using the Discrete Element Method. In: 5th International Symposium on Environmental Vibration (ISEV2011). Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
- Qian, Y., J. Han, S.K. Pokharel and R.L. Parsons. 2011. Determination of Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Using Cyclic Plate Loading Tests. In: Geo-Frontiers 2011, ASCE Geo-Institute. Dallas, TX.
- Tutumluer, E., Y. Qian, Y.M.A. Hashash and J. Ghaboussi. 2011. Field Validated Discrete Element Model for Railroad Ballast. In: Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
- Qian, Y., J. Han, S.K. Pokharel and R.L. Parsons. 2010. Experimental Study on Triaxial Geogrid-Reinforced Bases over Weak Subgrade under Cyclic Loading. In: ASCE Geo-Institute, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 199. West Palm Beach, FL.
- Pokharel, S.K., J. Han, R.L. Parsons, Y. Qian, D. Leshchinsky and I. Halahmi. 2009. Experimental Study on Bearing Capacity of Geocell-reinforced Bases. In: 8th International Conference on Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields. Champaign, IL. doi:10.1201/9780203865286.ch122.